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HUDDERSFIELD, England - Rudolph's nose wasn't the only thing glowing red on Christmas. Firemen rescued an embarrassed woman in Huddersfield, England who fell off a seat in a public toilet and got her head stuck under the cubicle door. The woman, who had been out drinking, was trapped there for several hours until firemen rescued her.

ROMANIA - A Romanian man has lent his "support" to the fight against impotency. Ioan Dumitru, from Ploiesti County, Prahova, has made a wooden scaffolding that holds the penis up in a specially designed pair of underpants. According to Dumitru, he has personally tested it and the penis remains erect even after the pants are taken off. He is keeping the price low because poor people also suffer from impotency. Dumitru concluded by stating, "This is a revolution for the sex industry."

TAIWAN - A Taiwanese man got himself all choked up when the specially made ring he was using to circumcise himself turned his penis black. He reportedly attached the ring because he was told it would make his foreskin whither and die. However, when the man had an erection, his penis turned black and he was rushed to the hospital. He is now recovering and doctors say he is not expected to suffer permanent damage.

GHANA - Perhaps a twenty-three-year old Ghana man should have asked for an intelligence spell instead. Aleobiga Aberima, was reportedly shot dead by a fellow villager while testing a magic spell designed by a witchdoctor to make him bulletproof. After smearing his body with a concoction of herbs every day for two weeks, Aberima volunteered to be shot to check if the spell had worked. Aberima died instantly from a single bullet. After the shooting, villagers began to beat the witchdoctor severely until a village elder rescued him.

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