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From: WE647 on FISP's

Most of the time they do work. It's like getting a free car... even if it's not the best car, it certainly doesn't hurt to be given it. And you compared dotnow to AOL!! Ahhh!!

The dotnow free car:
Some people can't get into the car, becasue the mechanics are always trying to make the car better. Most of the time it will start, but sometimes through the month it won't start at all. When it does start, it runs FAST. It only runs for 4 hours before it dies, but you can start it up again and drive for another 4 hours. It's the best free car available to the most people.

The NetZero Free car:
They now only give away a few free cars each day. It starts pretty reliably, but it goes slow. You can only drive it for 40 hours a month, if you drive more than that you have to start paying a lot.

The Juno free car:
While you are driving this car, the radio constantly tells you you should upgrade to one of their expensive 'better' cars. If you drive the car too often, you will get a message telling you that it won't start again until after 4am, leaving you stranded, and still not starting again even after 4am. Also, you may be required to leave the car running at all times, even when you are not using it, and you may be required to carry unknown passengers in your car, and let the passengers into your house to use your teliphone and tv when you aren't using it. Also, you arn't allowed to change the radio station in your car... the passengers need to listen to it.

The AOL car:
Mostly reliable, but It's not free, you have to make overpriced payments on it for the rest of your life. It's not that fast. The controls are bulky and not easy to use. They sell this car to people that don't know any better.

Send any Suggestions to: Webmaster@taylor.00go.com

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