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ST. PAUL - Former Navy SEAL, former pro wrestler and current Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura has once again demonstrated his political acumen by comparing recreational hunting to "hunting men" in wartime. Ventura fell back on his military background as he lambasted a local newspaper columnist for questioning his commitment to conservation saying, "If you haven't hunted man, you haven't hunted." Minnesota hunter and conservationist Mike Furtman said, "[You] don't equate shooting someone in defense of your country with hunting animals. It's borderline psychotic to make that leap." During his weekly radio show Friday, Ventura said he didn't mean to offend anyone with the comments. [When asked what it's like shooting people vs. shooting game, the Governor replied, "You just don't lead 'em as much."]

TOKYO, Japan - Japan is exhibiting an increasingly intolerant attitude toward Man's best friend. Many communities and apartment buildings are not allowing residents to keep dogs. Where there is a will, however, there is a way. In retaliation, they have come up with an alternate solution: renting dogs by the hour. Customers can then take their dogs to parks specifically designed for canines. The parks have become so popular that the director of a Tokyo dog park hopes they will reach their goal of opening 20 franchised dog parks by the end of the year. Some apartment complexes have become more supportive of pet owners by installing special dog showers and rooms made for pet grooming.

LOS ANGELES - An L.A. woman got zapped during an attempt to exterminate bugs in her home. The woman, whose identity was not immediately released, activated 30 fogger-style "bug bombs" in her home, including one in the kitchen area. Some sort of ignition source triggered an explosion that authorities say burned the woman, shattered the windows and lifted the roof three inches. According to fire spokesman Jim Wells, no more than three or four foggers should have been used and the blast caused about $30,000 damage to the 800-square-foot home.

DICKSON, Tennessee - Tennessee maintenance worker, Joe Kern,really takes his work to heart. The 52-year-old father-of ten slipped while using a nail gun to carry out repairs on a trailer. Kern told reporters that the nail was sticking out of his body with an inch of it lodged in the breast bone. He also said he had a good idea it hit the heart because he could feel the heart beat through the nail. Now, instead of going straight to hospital, he wanted to tell his wife Pam what had happened so she "would not come apart." A co-worker drove Kern home before he was air-lifted to a hospital in Vandy where surgeons removed the nail and repaired a hole in his right ventricle.

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